Single Sign On | 8 November 2022
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Single Sign On via Microsoft Azure AD

Single Sign On (SSO) allows users to log in once after which they can automatically access multiple applications across a network. Follow the steps in this article to add SSO settings to Azure AD for Tribe CRM.

Azure AD settings

Tribe CRM – Azure AD

Tribe CRM – Azure AD Register

  • After registering, the screen below appears. Now copy the Application (client) ID and save it in a txt file. This file should be passed to Tribe CRM so that we can create the correct configuration.

  • In addition to the Application (client) ID, we also need a so-called client secret. You can create this by clicking on Add a certificate or secret (see screenshot in previous step) and then on + New client secret.

Then name the secret, choose the desired shelf life and click Add.


Send a new client secret to Tribe CRM when the old one has expired. Therefore, it can be useful to set a custom period.

Now copy the value written under Value and place it in the txt file created earlier.

  • To create the correct configuration, all we need is the so-called Open ID Connect metadata document URL. This URL can be retrieved via the Endpoints button in the overview screen of the App registration we just created.

  • If all goes well, you have now collected the values below :Application (client) ID
    Client secret
    Open ID Connect metadata document URL
    Pass these to us so we can create the correct configuration.