Chamber of Commerce | 7 November 2022
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How does the Chamber of Commerce link (advanced) work?

The article “How does the Chamber of Commerce link work?” explains the contents of the basic Chamber of Commerce link. Tribe CRM also includes an advanced link with the Chamber of Commerce, for updating data of existing organisations in Tribe CRM. This is the Chamber of Commerce advanced module.

  1. What does the Chamber of Commerce advanced module do?
  2. How does importing Chamber of Commerce files work?
  3. How are updates processed?
  4. Which data will be updated?
  5. How do I activate the Chamber of Commerce advanced module?

1. What does the Chamber of Commerce advanced module do?

Data from the Chamber of Commerce is constantly changing, new companies are added, companies are closed down or they move. With the Chamber of Commerce advanced module, this up-to-date data from the Chamber of Commerce, is updated in Tribe.

Please note that the Chamber of Commerce advanced module only works in combination with the Chamber of Commerce basic module.

Which organisations are automatically updated using the Chamber of Commerce advanced module?

An organisation entered into Tribe must be ‘notified’ to process updates from the Chamber of Commerce. Organisations can be notified for updates in two ways:

Manual entry of organisations via the plus button

When a new organisation is created via the Chamber of Commerce search, it is immediately notified for updating changes.

Organisation created manually, without the use of the Chamber of Commerce will not be notified for updates.

Searching the Chamber of Commerce – Tribe CRM

Via an import

It is possible to import a set of organisations based on Chamber of Commerce files we hold. All organisations created in Tribe via the import are then automatically notified to get updates.

2 How does importing Chamber of Commerce files work?

Importing takes into account a certain profile that an organisation must meet. If a new organisation is registered with the Chamber of Commerce and it meets the set profile, this organisation is added in the Chamber of Commerce import page for processing. More on processing in the next chapter.

As mentioned, the import uses profiles. With a profile, you determine the organisations that are important to your business, using a combination of data. Usually, a profile is built based on a postcode range and the SBI code.

Postal code

The 4 digits of the postal code are often used to make a geographical selection of organisations to be imported. By listing all postal code of interest, targeted filtering is performed on the more than 6 million companies in the Chamber of Commerce database.

SBI code

If you are only interested in a particular industry, we can set a filter on one or more SBI codes. The SBI code can also be used to exclude companies from a selection.

For example: You want to have a selection of companies in Den Bosch that engage in sports-related activities. The profile will then be a combination of the following:

  • Postal code with the digits 5200 to 5500
  • SBI codes 4500 and 4501

If an import of Chamber of Commerce data is desired, please contact our sales department and inquire about the possibilities. We will need at least the following information from you:

  • Are both Chamber of Commerce modules (basic and advanced) activated?
  • In which Tribe environment should the import take place?
  • Which organisational type in Tribe should be utilised for the import (customer, prospect, etc.)?
  • What is the profile (postal code/sbi code etc) to determine selection?

When the above data is known, a test selection is done to determine whether the numbers fall within the range. When the data is complete and the numbers are correct, the import is done. You will then see the relationships become available on the CoC import page and you can start the import.

Note that the import selection must contain a reasonable amount of organisations. In practice, this will be between 1,000 and 20,000 organisations, many more organisation will only lead to contamination of Tribe CRM. A filter will then be sought to limit the selection.

3. How are updates processed?

The information below can be found on the Chamber of Commerce import page. To do so, navigate to configuration > Chamber of Commerce.


When an organisation is updated in the Chamber of Commerce, you will be informed on the Chamber of Commerce page in Tribe CRM. You can view and accept the changes on this page.


When an organisation is dissolved, declared bankrupt or is no longer active for some other reason, this is reported in deletions. The relevant organisation is marked as former in Tribe CRM when the modification is accepted.


If an import has been performed based on a profile, then new organisations matching this profile will be made available to add to Tribe. This is possible by setting in the link that new organisation that meet the profile will be offered via the import page.

Chamber of Commerce advanced module – Tribe CRM

For your information: We receive the Chamber of Commerce updates every Friday afternoon. These include new, changed or dissolved companies. There are about 25,000 updates per week.

4 Which data will be updated?

The following data are utilised in the Chamber of Commerce advanced link :

  • Company name
  • Website
  • (general) Telephone number
  • Visiting address
  • Postal address
  • Business activity (primary SBI code + description)
  • Number of employees
  • Chamber of Commerce number
  • Branch number
  • Founding date
  • Rsin number
  • Legal form

Note that the link does not include:

  • the link has no option to still link existing organisations (from before the activation of the Chamber of Commerce Advanced module) for updates

  • enriching the data of existing organisations

  • no contacts (drivers) are imported/updated by the link

  • the link does not work together with the PerfectView CRM Online import tool

5 How do I activate the Chamber of Commerce advanced module?

Administrators of Tribe CRM can easily activate the Chamber of Commerce module themselves. You can do this in the account settings:

  1. Click on the organisation icon at the top right of the blue bar.
  2. Click on Account settings
  3. Click the add/remove modules button.
  4. Tick the Chamber of Commerce (advanced) option and click on get started. In addition, also check that the Chamber of Commerce link module is activated. Both modules are necessary for updating updates in the Chamber of Commerce file.