Authorisation | 11 November 2022
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Rights on list boxes for non-administrator

It is now possible to grant or deprive a user of rights to selection lists. Previously, users could create an extra value via a drop-down field by means of the + button in the list. This right also applied to non-administrators. The right to create new values ​​via a picklist field is now determined in the roles. This makes it possible to remove the creation right for all users and to assign it specifically to the users who need this right to do their job.

By default, a role has the right to create a new drop-down list value. An administrator can activate this right for the user if desired. This is possible on all selection lists with the exception of VAT group, Countries and Language. These list boxes are managed by Tribe.

If a user has been given rights to create new picklist values, also check whether the rights at field level have been set up correctly.

1 Navigate to the appropriate entity, e.g. commercial relationship.

2 Then click on the entity to make the fields of the entity visible and adjust the rights if necessary.

  • Read: The user sees the appropriate field in the details.
  • Create: The user may add a new picklist value.
  • Change: The user is allowed to change the selected value in the field to a different value.
  • Delete: The user may delete the selected value from the field, the field is empty.

If the user should be able to create new picklist values, it is necessary that he has both read/create/edit rights.

If you deprive the reading rights of a field, make sure that in the field settings on the entity, the slider is mandatory and show when creating is off, otherwise the user cannot create new records for this entity.